After a few weeks of on and off development, I've been able to fix a few issues regarding to certain bugs and misspellings.
Here are some patch notes!
- Fixed some issues with dialogue boxes (i.e. not disappearing in the waiting room or having the incorrect graphic appear during the gameshow).
- Removed a broken area transfer event in the red brick dungeon.
- Made a certain music transition from one area to another more natural.
- Corrected misspellings of certain words, especially that dastardly Cogtio guy (supposed to be Cogito).
- The timer for the gameshow segment should now work properly and the dialogue won't repeat if time runs out.
For the next update(s) I'll try to add some quality of life improvements, like showing some kind of indication for obtaining items, more bug fixes if needed, making the dungeon more bearable to traverse (or at least get past) and potentially some more things if I can come up with anything